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I've been going through our things these past weeks, trying to pack and prepare us to move into our new home.

A lot of thoughts have gone through my head as I sorted things, mostly about need and want.

I want a quiet house. I want a new mattress (the one we bought a year ago has a foot-wide/long hole in it that sinks to the bottom of the mattress. Thank goodness it's under warranty! I'll have a new one in 2 weeks). I want quiet neighbors. I want new jeans. I want more time to meditate. I want a peaceful soul. I want more books. I don't want to pack, I don't want to wait anymore.  I want to find a grenade launcher and completely murder that car outside my window. I want to go back to Thailand. I want a cup of tea right now... 

It's after these moments I have quiet thoughts of need.

I need. I need... I need... 


It dawns on me. 

I don't need anything. I already have everything.

resolutions, schmezerlutions...

I don't believe in New Years' Resolutions.

{ probably because I never keep them. we won't talk about that }

But, I also understand that we can't move forward and become the people we want to be without setting some type of goal. 

I just don't believe in struggle. I don't like it. I don't believe it's necessary. And resolutions for me have always been a struggle.

Every little while, though, I come up with a list of things I want to accomplish. I don't give myself a time limit, because I don't like deadlines. I like being able to move at the pace I think I should be going at, and that things come in their own time, when I'm ready.

{ Which is probably why I don't run or do marathons or anything like that... I think a person should only run if they're being chased. That, and I'm just that lazy }

A few months ago, I came up with a new list: 
  1. Write to a stranger
  2. Create an immediate universe of Zen
  3. Mail strangers mix CDs I've made
  4. Read a book a month
  5. Volunteer once a month
  6. Work out five times a week
  7. Drink more water
  8. Meditate
  9. Love specific things about myself
I had forgotten about the list (that's how I roll) until yesterday. I was really pleased that I could say I've accomplished some of those tasks already. Maybe resolutions aren't so bad, after all...

Anyone else got a list going? Want to share?


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