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What we've been up to

{ spending time outdoors }

 { being a silly gus }
{ making ads for Ford -  just kidding }
{ growing plants...}

{ growing unruly hair... }

{ celebrating Clint Eastwood's birthday! }

{ a normal cake just wouldn't do for Clint Eastwood... So we had
Texas Sheet Cake. Much more macho }

{ celebrating my birthday  - the cake says "Happy Birthday My Love" and was the best chocolate cake! Mr. Hercules made it for me }

{ spending time with family }

 { gotta love nature... }

 { my favorite Bollywood dancer }

 { my boys }

{ Life is Lovely }

3 Responses so far.

  1. Jessie says:

    This made me smile! I may need to steal a few of these pics from you!

    Tell LoLo hi and glad to have him back!

  2. jerolyn says:

    Lol!! Had to laugh! You are so stinkin' pretty!!! Love your blog!

  3. Looks like a lotta love going on! :)


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