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Kluay Buat Chee

Coral Island, Phuket, Thailand

About this time a year ago today, I was sitting on a train platform with Tyson in Thailand, waiting to board a train for a 5 hour train ride to Hua Hin.

 Phuket, Thailand

{ which you may recall as being my favorite place in the world. }
 { well, besides my bed }

Hua Hin, Thailand

Time has passed so quickly; I would have sworn we were only there a month or two ago. I woke up early this morning (something I of course never do), and laid in bed for an hour before it was time for Ty to get up. I thought about our trip, all of the amazing things we saw and did, the amazing food, the smells, and how cranky I am after I fly (sorry Captain Awesome).

I thought about how generous and sincere most of the people we met were. They had barely anything, and were the happiest people I've ever met. I am reminded again and again that I have SO much to be grateful for.

Coral Island, Phuket, Thailand
I promised Ty when we left that I would learn how to cook Thai food. I've learned a few things, but after thinking about all the amazing food we had there, I resolved again today to learn to cook more Thai food.
One of our favorite things we ate there (besides the VAST amounts of fresh fruit) was a dessert called Kluay Buat Chee, bananas cooked in coconut milk.
Make it. Eat it. Love it. I dare you. I triple dog dare you.
Kluay Buat Chee
3 Bananas
1 can coconut milk (I prefer Thai Kitchen)
3/4 cup sugar (more or less, depending on your taste)
1/2 - 1 tsp salt

Warm coconut milk over medium/high heat. Bring it to a boil. Add sugar and salt, and continue to boil for 2 minutes. Add bananas, and cook up to 2 minutes, until soft (but not squishy). Serve immediately. Prepare to have your taste buds BEG you for more.

la luna

The night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand. 
{ Frederick L. Knowles }


It's been an interesting month.

September's never been my favorite. Especially this year. From a broken car, to having to completely change my diet, it's felt like one thing after another.

It could be far worse. Far, far worse. I know that.

But I think it's okay to sit, mope, and play Gears of War every once in awhile.

I'll be back soon.


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